You buy great coffee. Here’s a way to make sure every cup tastes as banging as the first.
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys good coffee, then I’m sure you’ve already given thought to how you store your coffee to keep it fresh. It’s no easy task. Those warm enticing aromas don’t hang around for long, and as time ticks along, the flavours start to dull.
This is a problem highlighted with pre-ground coffee. While whole bean coffee can last and stay fresh much longer, the minute coffee is ground, and the surface area of grounds are exposed to the air, that road to staleness is rapidly increased. You can read about grinding coffee, and why it’s not as straightforward as you might think on our previous article HERE.
But there are ways to combat this. To keep your coffee tasting at its best for the longest time possible. We know that not everyone has a grinder, and not everyone wants one, but with the right tools, freshness can be trapped in for longer.
Bad Hand x Airscape Coffee Canister
Yeah, that’s right. We’re on the sell. But for good reason. We recently partnered with Airscape to bring you these awesome coffee canisters. Now we’ve tried a lot of different ways to keep coffee fresh over the years, and for the kitchen, camping, or work, these little guys are simply untouchable for the incredible job they do.
What makes the Airspace coffee canister so good?
As well as looking pretty sick, the Airscape canister has an internal plug which slides down to remove air and keep it locked out. When it’s pushed down and the air is removed it means the degrading of the coffee is slowed right down. Because it’s black stainless steel, it also keeps out natural light which further breaks down the coffee. See, it’s more than just a handsome storage jar. It’s like the Navy Seal of coffee storage.
Do I need better coffee storage?
Of course, it all depends on how far you want to go. How good the coffee in your cup tastes comes down to so many factors. Starting with high grade speciality coffee is the biggest leap you can make, and the rewards are high - you know that. But if you want to edge things out, and keep your delicious [insert your favourite Bad Hand Coffee] tasting in tip-top condition, this is the way to go.
And what about pre-ground coffee?
In all honesty, if you buy pre-ground coffee and can’t be arsed with grinding whole beans - we get it - then this is going to be a game changer. You’ll get a lot more life out your coffee. And it’s going to look awesome on your shelf too. Win-win